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Original Douglas-Peucker Algorithm
The following algorithm description is taken from Wikipdeia [1] and CodeProject article by
Elmar de Koning [2]. The Ramer–Douglas–Peucker algorithm (RDP) is an algorithm for reducing the number of points in a curve that is approximated by a series of points. This algorithm is also known under the names Douglas–Peucker algorithm, iterative end-point fit algorithm and split-and-merge algorithm.
The Douglas-Peucker algorithm uses a point-to-edge distance
tolerance. The algorithm starts with a crude simplification that is the
single edge joining the first and last vertices of the original
polyline. It then computes the distance of all intermediate vertices to
that edge. The vertex that is furthest away from that edge, and that has
a computed distance that is larger than a specified tolerance, will be
marked as a key and added to the simplification. This process will
recurse for each edge in the current simplification, until all vertices
of the original polyline are within tolerance of the simplification
results. This process is illustrated below:
Initially, the simplification consists of a single edge. During the
first step, the fourth vertex is marked as a key and the simplification
is adjusted accordingly. During the second step, the first edge of the
current simplification is processed. The maximum vertex distance to that
edge falls below the tolerance threshold, and no new key is added.
During the third step, a key is found for the second edge of the current
simplification. This edge is split at the key and the simplification is
updated. This process continues until no more keys can be found. Note
that at each step, only one edge of the current simplification is
This algorithm has a worst case running time of O(nm), and O(n log m)
on average, where m is the size of the simplified polyline. As such,
this is an output dependent algorithm, and will be very fast when m is
small. To make it even faster, the
Distance between points routine is applied as a pre-processing step.
MATLAB Implementation
function out_points = points_simplify_2d(points,
id_end = size(points,1);
id_start = 1;
% Indeces of points are not removed by
Douglas-Peucker algorithm
remaining_ids = true(id_end,1);
% Call douglas_peucker_iteration
(recursive function)
[points remaining_ids] = douglas_peucker_iteration( ...
out_points =
function [points remaining_ids] = douglas_peucker_iteration(points, epsilon, id_start, id_end, remaining_ids)
% For the points (start + 1) to (end)
-> next_points_relative is
% relative coordinates from start point
next_points_relative = bsxfun(@minus,
end_point_relative = next_points_relative(end,:)';
% Efficient Method to get
beta = (end_point_relative' *
b =
distances_from_start_end_line =
% Identify maximum distance and get
its index
[dmax dmax_id] = max(distances_from_start_end_line);
dmax_id =
id_start + dmax_id; %ID of the edge point
if dmax <= epsilon;
remaining_ids(id_start+1:id_end-1) = false;
remaining_ids] = douglas_peucker_iteration( ...
remaining_ids] = douglas_peucker_iteration( ...
Polyline Simplification